
Het als eenmansband begonnen Slechtvalk, is door de jaren heen een stevige naam geworden in de Nederlandse black metal scene. Zanger en gitarist Shamgar heeft met zijn nu vijfkoppige band een behoorlijke status weten op te bouwen, het wachten is nu op de grote doorbraak van de band.

Helaas moeten de fans, het dit jaar zonder het nieuwe aangekondigde album doen tijdens de feestdagen. Door tijdgebrek is het nieuwe album doorgeschoven naar begin 2016.

Maar wie beter dan Shamgar zelf kan dit beter uitleggen:

First of all, I (Shamgar) would like to apologize for the lack of communication lately. Previously we always relied on Record Labels to deal with all sort of details that we were oblivious to and I’m not really the type of person that gets energy from arranging things (other than music).

Today we expect the (hopefully) final mix of the new album. Due to vacation we couldn’t properly review the mix we received in July. There were many tweaks we deemed necessary and we wanted to be thorough in our response and Lasse Lammert has a busy schedule 😉

This week we expect the first sketches from Raymond Swanland, which we already thought we would receive several weeks ago. We don’t know his schedule, but we guess it may take more time before it’s finished and his artwork will be very important for the rest of the booklet/casing design.

So all-in-all we don’t expect we can deliver in November and will aim for January 2016 instead.

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