
Critics and legal scholars have described the book as “fascinating” and “masterful.” The five types of legal arguments are required reading at a number of leading American law schools and are recommended to anyone who wants to understand how to construct and critique legal arguments. “This book will help you read, it will help you write, and it will help you think clearly about the arguments that will be presented in legal discourse.” Jonathan Williams, law student The Five Types of Legal Argument is a book of legal theory and a practical guide to legal reasoning for law students, lawyers, and judges. Chicken introduces each concept separately, and from many parts, chicken develops a complicated and nuanced theory of what the law is. Huhn also shows readers how to identify, create, attack, and evaluate the five types of legal arguments (text, intent, precedent, tradition, and politics), and how to weave the different types of arguments together to make them more persuasive. The second edition of this book develops both the theoretical and practical themes of the book. In this issue, Huhn presents two additional ways of attacking legal arguments, and in a new chapter he uses the principles of deductive logic to demonstrate the validity of the theory of the five types of legal arguments. “In law school, professors always tell us not to focus on the trees, but to step back and see the forest when we are analyzing legal issues. This book certainly encourages this well-thought-out approach. Amanda Johnson, law student E-books, CDs, downloadable content and software purchases are non-cancellable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

Click here for more information on LexisNexis eBooks. EBook versions of this title may contain links to Lexis+ ™ for additional legal research options. A valid Lexis+ ™ subscription is required to access this content. Huhn shows that there are five different types of legal arguments (based on text, intent, precedent, tradition, and politics), and through countless examples, this book teaches law students, lawyers, and judges how to identify, create, attack, and evaluate each type of argument. The book contains useful tips and illustrations on how to weave the different types of arguments together to make them more persuasive. The third edition of the book adds a chapter on the role that analogous reasoning plays in solving difficult cases and developing the law. “The book provides a good introduction to legal analysis and shows students the importance of identifying the categories of legal arguments they encounter.” Ben Wiles, law student “I found the Five Types of Law argument invaluable because it succinctly breaks down legal analysis. First, reading legal opinions, especially with majority and dissenting opinions, can be a dizzying experience.

But as you break down arguments, you learn to recognize calls to different types of arguments. The reward is twofold: first, you can more easily understand legal opinions and criticize or appreciate them on a more sophisticated level. Second, the five types of legal arguments become a checklist of tools you can rely on to provide compelling legal arguments. Bryce Landier, former law student “The five types of legal arguments will help you change the way you read from simply understanding and memorizing legal texts to critically analyzing and interpreting the text and the arguments it contains. I wish I had read this book during my 1L year.” Kathleen Rose, law student. “Synopsis” could belong to another edition of this title. The subscription is automatically renewed without the subscriber having to do anything. “The Five Types of Legal Arguments contains two of the three most valuable pages I read during law school.” Whit Pierce, law student.

I have a busy speaking schedule and give an average of over twenty public presentations a year to municipal, academic, and professional audiences, including numerous presentations to Ohio appellate judges. I am an active blogger and write an average of over 150 content articles (about 1000 words each) per year, mostly on constitutional issues that appear in the news, but also on health care reform, the Civil War and Abraham Lincoln. Subscriber enrollment in the automatic subscription program can be cancelled at any time by: by returning the invoice with the note “CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION”; Call customer service at 800-833-9844; or by e-mail to customer.support@lexisnexis.com. All shipments may be returned at the subscriber`s expense against full credit of the full price within 30 days of receipt. With the auto-renewal option, subscribers receive a renewal notification that includes the cost of the next annual subscription at least 60 days before each renewal date. The renewal price will likely include a slight increase from last year`s subscription price. The Five Types of Legal Argument, Third Edition 3rd Edition was written by Wilson Huhn and published by Carolina Academic Press. Digital and electronic ISBNs for The Five Types of Legal Argument, third edition are 9781611637960, 1611637961, and print ISBNs are 9781611635881, 1611635888. Save up to 80% on printing by going digital with VitalSource. Subscribers will receive the products listed on the purchase order and any updates made available during the annual subscription period.

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