
Chris Broderick wordt per direct vervangen door voormalig Nevermore lid Jeff Loomis

We kregen dit persbericht van Megadeth:

Megadeth have amicably parted ways with guitarist Chris Broderick. He will be replaced by renowned axe slinger Jeff Loomis, formerly of Nevermore.

It is a thrill and an honor to become a part of such a legendary band,’ said Loomis. ‘Funny enough, I first auditioned for Megadeth when I was a teenager, and Dave told me I was too young for the job! So this feels like it was a long time coming.’

Adds Megadeth mastermind Dave Mustaine: ‘Everyone knows that Jeff Loomis is one of the best guitar players in the world today. When it comes to expressing how overjoyed we are to have him as part of the Megadeth family, I am truly at a loss for words.’

Loomis will make his live debut with the band on their upcoming tour with Motörhead, which kicks off on April 17 in Las Vegas. Tickets are available here.

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